5 Simple Ways to Learn About Drug Recalls

Drug Recalls Should Never be Ignored

Drug recalls happen all the time – are you absolutely certain that none of your prescriptions have been recalled? Do you know how to find out if they were? While some recalls may be issued for drugs problems that pose little risk to humans, other recalls can be for much much more serious issues, and no recall should ever be ignored. Here are the top ways to learn about potential lurking dangers in your medicine cabinet!


1. FDA Website

The FDA is the top source for learning about drug recalls


Source: Wikipedia Commons

The first and best source of information is the FDA. Not only do they have names and dates, they also give you the reasons why the drug was recalled. Unfortunately some of the reasons the FDA gives are little difficult to understand. While you’re on the FDA’s site, you can learn more about safety alerts.




2. Recalls.gov

This is another great resource for all recalls, even those not related to medication. The prescription drug tab on this website links back to the FDA. However, recalls.gov is so much more. You can learn about all sorts of recalls, from food to drugs to boats! Definitely worth bookmarking.


3. FDA’s Recall Twitter


Photo by Con Karampelas on Unsplash

I bet you didn’t even know the FDA had a twitter. Let alone one just for recalls! Follow the FDA’s recall twitter to get some of the fastest notifications about drug recalls.


4. WebMD – A great source for info on prescription medication recalls.

WebMD is a great source of information about specific recalls. For example, they have detailed information about 2018’s blood pressure medication recall. You may need to do some hunting on the WebMD website to find what you need. Also, they might not have information on every recall. Still, it’s a tremendous source of info if you can find what you’re after.


5. Your Doctor or Pharmacist

So far we’ve listed a few ways to learn about recalls by seeking out the information from sources like the FDA. However, many times your doctor or pharmacist will reach out and let you know about recalls. For this reason it’s really important that you keep your contact information up-to-date and check your voicemails. This is especially important if you’re helping elderly parents keep track of their drugs.


Have you had any bad experiences with drug recalls? Do you know of other ways to learn about recalls? We’d love to get your input in the comments below!

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