6 Weird Diets We Can’t Believe People Tried!

6 Weird Diets that You SHOULDN’T Try!

What Would You Eat to Lose Weight?

Oh Boy, people sure have created some WEIRD diets in order to lose weight. We look at 6 of the strangest diets that people actually thought would work! Suffice to say all of these diets are BAD IDEAS and you shouldn’t try them… 


Once you start thinking about wanting to lose weight, you’re faced with a scary task. How do you make sense of all the conflicting information out there? April 2019 is our month of weight loss and obesity education! We’ll be examining diet plans, work-out plans, nutrition, weight-loss groups, the science of obesity and weight-loss, and even some things you can do to make money for losing weight!

Weird Diet #1 – The Tapeworm Diet

The perfect weird diet for crazy people and parasite lovers. Who writes down ‘Infect Self with Tape Worm’ when trying to figure out how to lose weight? Suffice to say, this is a bad bad bad idea.

Buy hey, on the plus side, hey at least you get a free low-maintenance pet!

Weird Diet #2 – The Cigarette Diet

Comes with Free Lung Cancer!

For an unlimited time, this diet comes with a free side of lung cancer!

Weird Diet #3 – The Air Diet –

Also known in some circles as starving yourself. The air diet is a dumb and dangerous approach to weight loss. Basically you pretend to eat food, but really only drink salt water. Do you really need a doctor to tell you how dumb this idea is? This worst part… unlike most of the other diets on here, this one is pretty recent.


On second thought… maybe I should start one of those meal box plans. For only $20 a month you get 4 weeks of empty boxes. Bon appetite! 

Weird Diet #4 – Fletcherism

Out of all the weird diets this one is a mouthful!

Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. Chew. 



This diet was all about chewing your food excessively and then spitting out the pulpy mush still left. 



The diet’s founder even had specific rules about how many times to chew each type of food. Out of all the weird diets, this one has a grain of good advice in it. Eating slower is a good idea. I mean, chewing your french fries 900 times won’t help you lose weight, but being more mindful about eating is always a good idea! 

Weird Diet #5 – Cotton Balls?

“So what’s for dinner tonight?”

“I was thinking of having cotton balls.”

“Yum, that sounds great! I’ll have some too.”

So with this diet you dip the cotton ball into a liquid and eat it. Probably one of the dumbest things you can do with a cotton ball (That’s not a challenge!


Also, this another recent diet that breaks my historical diet rule. Sure makes that chewing diet look pretty smart in comparison! 

Weird Diet #6 – Arsenic Pills?!

Oh comeon seriously?

Yeah I’m sure poisoning yourself will help you lose some weight. Why don’t you just hack off a leg while your at it. That’ll help you drop a few pounds. This item on the list of weird diets is thankfully harder to obtain now we don’t put arsenic in our diet drugs.


Look, there’s no shortcuts to losing weight. I wish there were! Fad diet of today, become the material for comical posts tomorrow. What’s no joke is the impact that being overweight has on your health and well-being. If you’re interested in learning about the quickest way to lose weight you should talk to your doctor, read our article, and do your research! Also, carefully crafted diet plans like those offered by BistroMD or created by a nutritionist bolster your chances for your weight loss goals. 

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What is the quickest way to lose weight?

12 Key Facts About the Quickest Way to Lose Weight!

12 Key Facts About the Quickest Way to Lose Weight!

Once you start thinking about wanting to lose weight, you’re faced with a scary task. How do you make sense of all the conflicting information out there? April 2019 is our month of weight loss and obesity education! We’ll be examining diet plans, work-out plans, nutrition, weight-loss groups, the science of obesity and weight-loss, and even some things you can do to make money for losing weight!

Losing weight doesn't have to be scary

We’ve identified 12 key facts you need to know if you want to find the quickest way to lose weight. Trying to figure out the quickest way to lose weight without understanding the basics, is like trying to find the fastest way home when you’re already lost.

Being confused by how to lose weight is normal. Don’t worry, weight loss is confusing and you’re not alone. In a recent post we talked about the importance of losing weight, and how expensive it could be. However, actually losing weight can be dauntingly intimidating. When I was younger it felt simple, eat less and exercise more. Ok, to be honest, when I was younger, I had the metabolism of a humming bird and probably couldn’t gain five pounds if I ate fast food for every meal. Those days are long long gone.

Affiliate Disclaimer – This post highlights one of our affiliates – BistroMD. If you decide to purchase from them, Thrifty Patient may make some money. FYI, our affiliate policy is very strict, and we turn down partnerships that don’t meet our high health, ethical, social, and savings standards.

1. Know Your BMI

The very first piece of information you should understand is your BMI, or Body Mass Index. This will tell you if you fall into an underweight, normal, overweight, or obese category.

Use this simple calculator to find out your BMI.

Why is this Important?: Trying to lose weight without knowing your BMI is trying to tell how much fuel is in your car without looking at the fuel gauge. It’s all just a guess until you take a look at the number!

2. Know That 1 Pound = 3500 Calories

2. 3500 Calories in a Pound

There are 3500 calories (or kilocalories) in a pound. Unfortunately losing a pound isn’t as simple as just dropping 3500 calories. Among other things, you should also know what your estimated calorie count should be.

Why is this Important?: Calories are an important bridge between our food and our weight. It’s not the whole story, but an important piece in weight loss.

3. Know That Shortcuts, Fad Diets, Starvation and Exercise Alone Isn’t Enough!

The quickest way to lose weight is not by taking a shortcut. Also, sadly, exercise alone isn’t enough. Don’t get me wrong, the right diet, cutting down on calories, and exercising are all important. Remember, a short-term, weight-loss shortcut isn’t going to give you the lasting lasting weight-loss results you want. It’s better to make small improvements over a longer period of time.

Why is this Important?: A lot of companies will pray on people who equate weight loss with exercise or radical diets. Yet the science shows that exercise alone isn’t enough. And some of those fad diets can be questionable!

This leads us to one of the reasons we like BistroMD so much. They provide to scientifically-proven and nutritionally balanced meals.

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A Bacon Milkshake, Blech

Remember, a short-term, weight-loss shortcut isn’t going to give you the lasting lasting weight-loss results you want. It’s better to make small improvements over a longer period of time.

4. Know That It’s Not Just What You Eat!

We like to think in simple terms. I’m overweight because I eat too much. If I eat less, I’ll lose weight. This misunderstanding is probably the most important fact you need to know if you want to discover the quickest way to lose weight.

Eating right is just step towards the quickest way to lose weight

The science of food, eating, and weight loss is fairly complex. Our bodies sense if we’re not getting activity. They treat different kinds of food differently! They are regulated by complex hunger hormones and are sensitive to chronic illness and disease.

Why is this Important?: Two reasons. First of all, this fact reminds us to resist the urge to oversimplify. Second, as the saying goes ‘know thyself’. It’s always important to talk to your doctor before starting any weight loss plan. They can help you identify if you have any health concerns that’ll derail your plans!

This is another area where BistroMD really shines. Their meal plans take a complex look at nutrition and dietary needs.

468x60 healthy weight less delivered

5. Know How to be Mindful When Eating

How much time do you spend eating? Do you rush through your meals, like a job to be done? Do you actually take the time to experience your meals or are you too busy thinking of the next thing you need to do?

Why is this Important?: The quickest way to lose weight involves thinking about eating and dieting as an experience that involves our mind, body, social connections, and spirit. Click here to learn more about mindful eating.

Mindful Eating

6. Know Calories in < Calories Out… but…

As you learn more about dieting, don’t forget the basic mantra “Calories in should be less than calories out”. What does this mean? To lose weight, the amount you’re eating in calories should be less then the energy you’re burning and the exercise you’re doing. Remember you need to burn off 3500 calories to lose a pound. However… this doesn’t paint the whole picture. As we’ve stated earlier, it’s tempting to oversimplify and treat all calories the same. It’s obvious that 2000 calories of carrots and 2000 calories of donuts should be treated differently.

Why is this Important?: This is important to keep in mind as a general rule. But we should also be aware of its limitations. If we can be sharp enough to keep track of our calorie intake / output and wise enough to know not all calories are created equal, then we’ve taken a mighty leap along the quickest way to lose weight.

7. Know That Calorie Quality Matters

This point is worth repeating twice. Not all calories are created equal, and calorie quality matters!  Harvard Medical school has a great article that talks about how not all calories are created equal. Another benefit of the BistroMD meal plans is that they’ve created meals that already take this into account. With BistroMD your meals are custom designed by registered dietitians. Take advantage of BistroMD and get 25% and Free Shipping. 

Why is this Important?: If you’re serious about losing weight, self-sabotage is going to be a daily problem. It’s very easy to fool yourself into thinking that a few hundred calories from a drink, or some fast food are just like any other calories.

8. Know That Weight Loss Requires a Whole-Body View

Weight Loss Via a Whole Body View

We don’t eat just because we’re hungry. People eat when stressed, they associate food with happy times and sad times. Can you think of a food you hated or loved eating when growing up? Do you still avoid / crave those foods now? We naturally attach psychological and social events to eating. Here’s an article from the Cleveland Clinic about the roles food plays in our lives and strategies to address the psychological aspects of food.

Why is this Important?: Dieting without anticipating the psychological or social impact creates needless barriers to success. Diets often fail, and not knowing of that failure is due to a physical, social, or a psychological barrier sets you up for future failures.

9. Know That With Plans, One Size DOES NOT Fit All

There is no one right plan or path to weight loss. You’ll read reports about diets like the Atkin’s diet and the Keto diet or about plans like BistroMD or Weight Watchers. Many people will claim that each plan is the quickest way to lose weight. But, always keep in mind that what works for others, might not work for you – and that’s fine! One of the reasons we like BistroMD is because it offers so many choices. They work to reduce the chance of failure by working with you to find a program that works the best for you.

Why is this Important?: Keep in mind that the quickest way to lose weight for OTHERS might not be the quickest path for YOU.

10. Know About Decision Paralysis

Decision Paralysis
Talk About Too Many Choices!!

Decision paralysis is when you have so many options it’s hard to pick one – so you don’t pick any and postpone, or you pick them all and don’t get anywhere. There are so many diet options out there! Many will promise to be the quickest way to lose weight. Each will have true believers, heaps of evidence, and tons of success stories. This leads to an interesting problem. Which do you pick? Are you easily distracted and try every new diet?

Why is this Important?: Keep in mind that the quickest way to lose weight for OTHERS might not be the quickest path for YOU. Being aware of decision paralysis sets you up to create a plan to avoid it.

11. Know How to Identify Points of Failure!

Your weight loss plans are only as good as its weakest link. Do you drive past your favorite fast food place on the way to work? Are you trying to eat vegan but hate carrots? Are you starting your diet up at the same time a big audit is going on at work?

Why is this Important?: Stressors don’t make it impossible to diet, in fact if you can identify and get in front of problems, your chances of success will go way up!

12. Know When to Seek Out Support

No One is An Island

There may be times when you hit a wall, or need advice on how to make your diet work. If you’re serious about losing weight, consider seeking out help. The quickest way to lose weight is through the hard-learned lessons of others.

Why is this Important?:

Cigna Insulin Monthly Price Capped at $25

Breaking News: Monthly Cigna Insulin Costs now Capped at $25.00!

Today Cigna and Express scripts took a major step towards driving down the price of insulin for everyday patients. Studies by groups like the American Diabetes Association that insulin prices are rising and people are cutting back due to affordability. For a chronic disease that costs the US more than 300 billion dollars yearly, highly priced insulin is as unethical as it is unaffordable. Insulin is a required drug needed to manage blood sugar levels. Without insulin, the consequences can be life-threatening. In fact, before the discovery of insulin, diabetes was a fatal disease. 

Sadly, for many people the cost of insulin can be the difference between if they are treating their disease or just hoping it doesn’t get worse. Insulin too is only part of the problem. Since diabetes is a chronic disease, the cost of testing strips, meters, and regular blood work can be both financially and emotionally draining. With this Cigna insulin Patient Assurance Program, at least one of these factors is being addressed. 

Cigna, Insulin, & Express Scripts

Cigna, working with Express Scripts has just announced a new capped price for monthly insulin. For participating Cigna plans, the Cigna Insulin Patient Assurance Program works by bumping down your copay. According to Cigna, this results in an average cost drop from $41.50 for a 30-day supply to $25.00 for that same 30-day supply. All of the savings works out to to about $200.00 a year. Taking into account that Diabetes is a life-long, chronic condition this could result in thousands of dollars in savings. 

Thrifty Patient News: 
 Eli Lilly to sell 50% Cheaper Generic Insulin

Who Benefits the Most from The Cigna Insulin Plan?

Cigna Insulin Plan

Everyone who needs insulin should benefit from lower prices offered by the Patient Assurance Program. By the way the press release was worded, certain plans may already be paying less then $25 for a month’s supply of Cigna insulin. People expected to see the biggest benefit will be those on a limited incomes, people who are on high-deductible plans (who may be paying premiums for prescriptions), and people who have been forced to cut back on their insulin due to financial constraints.


Thrifty Patient News:
4 Reliable Ways to Get a Free Glucometer

How Do I Take Advantage of the Patient Assurance Program?

First, you need to be a Cigna member. At the time of this writing open enrollment is currently closed and will reopen this year from Nov. 1st 2019 to Dec., 15th 2019. There are some circumstances which may allow you to sign up now, you should read about them on Cigna’s website or talk to one of their service representatives (click here).

If you are a member and interested in learning more about the Patient Assurance Program, I’d recommend calling Cigna directly or visiting their website.

Cigna indicates in their press release that they’ll “be activating this new program for participating plans by moving covered insulin products to a lower copay.” You may still want to call to make sure everything is going as planned and to learn when your lower costs will be reflected in your bills. 

History of Eli Lilly & Discovery of Insulin

Want to learn more about, arguably, the greatest medical discovery of the 20th Century? Pick up a copy of Michael Bliss’ The Discovery of Insulin

Do you control your diabetes using a drug like Metformin? You might be surprised what you learn when check out our article about generic vs brand name prices. Generic Vs. Brand Name: The Shocking Price Difference of the 10 Most Common Drugs

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Get Your Free National Park Pass

5 Ways to Get a Free National Park Pass

Can I Get a Free National Park Pass?

Spring is here and the weather is finally warming up. As part of our launch into April, we’ll be exploring five ways to get a free national park pass. Read below to find out who qualifies for a free national park pass. Want to just skip to the park page? Click Here!

1. You have a Qualifying Permanent Disability

Free National Park Pass

Who is Eligible?: This free LIFETIME pass is available to people who have been medically determined to have a permanent disability.

To get the pass you can either fill out the online form, mail in a paper application, or apply in person. If you fill out the application online or mail it in, there’s a $10 processing fee. If you are planning to apply in person, then you do not need to fill out any forms in advance, just make sure to contact the site to ensure they have passes available. As with all of these passes, in addition to yourself, this pass also covers everyone in the same vehicle as you.

Documentation Needed for the Free National Park Pass

Here’s the requirements for documentation, directly from the form:

A statement signed by a licensed physician attesting that you have a permanent physical, mental, or sensory impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, and stating the nature of the impairment;


A document issued by a Federal agency, such as the U.S. Department of Veterans Administration, which attests that you have been medically determined to be eligible to receive Federal benefits as a result of blindness or permanent disability. Other acceptable Federal agency documents include proof of receipt of Social Security Disability Income (SSDI) or Supplemental Security Income (SSI);


A document issued by a State agency such as a vocational rehabilitation agency, which attests that you have been medically determined to be eligible to receive vocational rehabilitation agency benefits or services as a result of medically determined blindness or permanent disability. Showing a State motor vehicle department disability sticker, license plate or hang tag is not acceptable documentation.

Have You Heard About the Trend of Taking Uber Instead of an Ambulance to the ER!
Read More on the Thrifty Patient!

Honorable Mention

6. Discounted Senior Passes

Discounter National Park Tickets for Seniors

Who is Eligible?: US Citizens and permanent residents 62 or older.

The Senior Pass is one of the very best bargains out there. For $80 you can get a lifetime pass or for $20 the annual pass.

$80 won’t even get you a day at theme park, but it will buy you lifetime access to every national park in the US sounds like a pretty great deal to me! Read more here.  

2. You’re a US 4th Grader

Who Qualifies?: This is a really fun program available to all 4th Graders in the US.

Educators can even get the annual free national park passes for each of their 4th Grade Students. Here are the details! More rules and conditions can be found here!

3. You’re a Member of the US Military

Who Qualifies?: All current US military members and their dependents. Also most members of the US Reserves and National Guard and all of their dependents.

You’ll need your military ID when applying (CAC Card of DOD Form 1173). This’ll get you (and your dependents) a free $80 annual pass to the parks. Here’s the full FAQ for the annual military park pass.

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4. You’ve Volunteered more then 250 hours at a

Who is Eligible?: Anyone who has volunteered 250+ hours at a national park.

This free national park pass is a really nice perk to reward your generosity and dedication. You do not need to complete all 250 hours in a single year. Read more about the volunteer passes here and here.

5. You Head to the Park on a Free Entrance Day

Fee Free Days

2019 Has a number of free entrance days to the National Parks

Straight from the nps.gov website ala the very journalistic copy-and-paste.

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Losing weight doesn't have to be scary

What is CBD Oil? – 10 Amazing Facts You Need to Know!

1. Exactly What is CBD Oil? – The Basics

CBD is short for cannabidiol that’s “Can-a-bid-eye-ol”. It’s an oil which comes from cannabis plants, but it doesn’t get you high. The high associated with Marijuana is from THC, an entirely different chemical.

2. How are CBD and THC Different?

Another way of answering our initial question, “What is CBD oil?” is to say what it’s not. CBD and THC are not the same in two major ways. Look at how the two chemicals are different. At the bottom you’ll notice a one-atom difference between both of them.

What’s the big deal about one atom?

A LOT! Everyone knows that atoms are tiny things, but even changing the place of a single atom makes them have very different effects on the body.


That brings us to the second difference. Chemicals like THC and CBD work because they bind to receptors in the body. CBD binds to a receptor scientists call CB2. THC binds to receptors called CB1. This sets CBD oil apart from marijuana-containing compounds that have THC.

3. CBD Oil Won’t Give you a High

Remember CB2 receptors, the ones that CBD oil effects? Well, they’re found mainly outside the brain. Because of this, they simply don’t have the psychotropic ability.

More recent research has found that there are a small number of CB2 receptors in the brain. But when these receptors were studied in mice, no psychotropic effects were found. However, other interesting effects were!

4. CBD Oil Binds THC Receptors in a Unique Way

When scientists talk about chemicals and their receptors they love to compare them to locks and keys. Many chemicals work like keys which unlocks the receptor and activates it. Like turning on a car. On a CB2 receptor, this is how CBD works. CBD works a little different.

CBD works on CB1 receptors like rust on a lock. It makes it a little harder for that key to work and unlock the receptor. So products like CBD oil weaken the ability of THC to act on CB1 receptors. This is one of the reasons why synthetic cannabinoids are so dangerous – they bind too strongly to CB1 receptors and don’t have THC there to weaken the effect.

5. CBD Oil May help with Anxiety and Addiction.

What is CBD Oil? - A potential anti-anxiety drug

Remember fact three when I said that CBD had some interesting effects in the brain, where we have a tiny number of CB2 receptors? Well research is starting to show that it can reduce anxiety and addictive behaviors through modulating the dopamine pathways.

This fifth point is the last really nitty-gritty scientific answer to the question “What is CBD oil?” Now, let’s get into some of the fun research!

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5. CBD Oil Has Anti-Inflammatory Properties.


Those CB2 receptors we were just talking about. Well guess where a lot of them are found? In part of our immune system called T-Cells. When T-Cells become activated it can lead to inflammatory problems.

When CBD binds the CB2 receptors on T-Cells, researchers found that it reduces the activation and inflammation of the T-Cells. The potential future therapies are exciting, and many people are already reporting that it’s helping them with problems like IBS.

6. CBD Oil May be able to Treat-Autoimmune Diseases

The same T-cells responsible for inflammatory reactions also are involved in autoimmune responses. Research is starting to show that CBD oil may help with auto-immune diseases, when used as a part of a focused treatment. Remember, always consult your doctor before starting supplements like CBD oil!

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7. What is CBD Oil’s Legal status?

Photo by niu niu on Unsplash

In *Most* states CBD oil is legal, as long as it’s derived from Hemp. If the CBD oil is derived from marijuana, it gets murkier and may or may not be legal depending on the state. Also keep in mind that marijuana, is still illegal on the federal level (as of the time of this writing). Here’s a great WebMD article on the legality of CBD oil.

In no state can companies claim that CBD oil can treat or cure a condition. There’s a lot of exciting research that’s starting to say CBD oil MAY help with anxiety, depression, inflammation, auto-immune, and so on. But company’s can’t claim that without FDA approval.

8. Will CBD Oil Cure my Health Problem?

No company can claim that CBD oil can treat or cure any health condition or impart any health benefit. There’s a lot of exciting research that’s starting to say CBD oil MAY help with anxiety, depression, inflammation, auto-immune, and so on. But a company’s can’t claim that it can do these things without medical trials and FDA approval. Many companies will be tempted to answer the question “What is CBD Oil” with the claim that it’s some sort of miracle drug. Don’t fall for it, and stay up on the research.

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9. If You Plan on Taking CBD Oil, Tell Your Doctor!

CBD oil is a supplement just like any other. Ever hear that you drinking grapefruit juice will cause the Statins, a drug for high cholesterol, to work less well?

Guess what, CBD oil may cause other drugs not to work so well too! It’s really important that you always let your doctor know your plans and what you’re taking so he can work with you. Like we say in another post on the site – be your own best advocate!

10. Not all CBD oil is created equal

Question: What is CBD Oil when you grow it in polluted soil? Answer: Not something I’d recommend you take!

Most of the places that sell CBD oil gets it from Hemp – a natural filter. Make sure you research the types of ground the Hemp has been grown in before you buy the CBD oil. It’s great that hemp can filter soil this way, but you probably don’t want it passing those pollutants on into any sort of supplement you take!